Do you or someone you love suffer from food allergies or are you trying hard to stay Paleo, Whole30, Keto, No/ Low Sugar or just plain eat healthier? (raises all the hands)
Many of you know that I (and my family) have food allergies including gluten and cow’s milk. Trying to find food that I could source and cook without spending (sometimes wasting!) a fortune was hard in the early days of eating this way.
Before kids, way back when (cringe) if I was invited to a friend's house for dinner I typically went empty-handed because cooking new things intimidated me. (First of all, there weren't alternatives readily available or that didn't taste like I was downing Elmers glue on cardboard, still gives me the shivers thinking about it)
I made sure I ate before I went, when there I would politely pass over food, pray the event didn't last too long, and then get home and eat again. Talk about a lesson in planning ahead. What 18 year old wanted to be doing that?
I felt left out. It was hard to watch everyone laughing, filling their plates with traditional favorites while I sat in the corner with my water and raw carrot sticks someone found in the fridge, trying to participate. And the worst was when everyone APOLOGIZED to me over and over, feeling sorry for me as each bite of dairy-laden green bean casserole was shoveled into their mouths. I'm not bitter, lol.
Actually, I'm really not. It's just a part of me, not who I am. I was happy they were happy.
I didn't want my young adult experience for my kids. The holiday season is supposed to be fun so who wants to stress over cooking, let alone with alternative milk, grains, or special diets!
So my family and I set to work finding festive recipes, that didn't break the bank and that we found yummy! It wasn't easy but it was worth it! My kids won't have my experience because they help with the process, have been taught where to find things, and have embraced the fun of finding new recipes.
The dawn of Pinterest has been a life-changing thing. Food has progressed. There are fabulous alternatives you can find at your local store now or even have delivered to your front door. Suddenly we had access to recipes from all over, from people who are like us! What an age we live in!
Thanksgiving has been a trial and error over the years for me, trying to find the old standby recipes that satisfy that traditional taste bud but also throwing in some new ones each year!
I encourage you to not be afraid to try new things. We all want this holiday to include dishes our loved ones can feel safe eating but also be satisfied and feel included.
Here are 10+ unique and tasty Thanksgiving recipes that will surprise you and your guests, too!
PS. The dairy-free cream of mushroom soup below is a recipe I have been personally using for more than 10 years. My family loves green bean casserole and this staple has seen me through! Now we ALL can shovel it into our mouths together. Lol. Enjoy!
The Main Event
Butterflied Big Bird (Spatchcock Turkey) by Nom Nom Paleo
Magic Crown Roast of Pork (Keto, Whole30) by Nom Nom Paleo
Side Dishes
Scalloped Potatoes with Mushroom & Rosemary ( Paleo, Whole30, Dairy Free) by Whole Kitchen Sink
Best Ever Chunky Mashed Potatoes: A Whole30 Side Dish with 6 Minute Instant Pot & Stovetop Instructions by Whole Kitchen Sink
Maple Bacon Roasted Butternut Squash {Paleo} by Paleo Running Momma
Homemade Paleo Cranberry Sauce by Paleo Running Momma
Warm Brussels Sprouts Salad with Asian Citrus Dressing by Nom Nom Paleo
Swiss Chard with Raisins, Pine Nuts, and Crispy Prosciutto by Nom Nom Paleo
Dairy Free Cream of Mushroom Soup by Better Batter
Dessert Options
Apple Crisp (Paleo, Vegan, Gluten Free) by Nom Nom Paleo
Torta Caprese (Almond Flour Chocolate Cake) by Nom Nom Paleo
Coco-Nutty Dark Bark by Nom Nom Paleo
I hope you enjoy this roundup below. There’s a little something for everyone. Happy Thanksgiving!
(If you have any questions or want to share your alternative recipes please comment below!)